兒童真皮底室內靴 - 櫻桃粉紅
櫻桃粉色 Woollyes 兒童室內靴,皮革鞋底
Woollyes 櫻桃粉色室內靴提供了舒適、風格和耐用性的完美平衡。這些結構優雅的靴子採用最好的紐西蘭羊毛手工製作,透氣和防潮性能極佳,全天舒適。它們非常適合室內使用,因為堅固的橡膠鞋底可在各種表面上提供出色的支撐和牽引力。
穿上純正的紐西蘭羊毛,在每一步都體現出它的高價,以獲得舒適和溫馨。透氣設計的住所讓您的腳趾即使在使用數小時後也能保持涼爽。憑藉天然的氣候控制特性,Woollyes 確保您的雙腳在任何季節都感到舒適,確保您在 12 小時內擁有舒適的休閒體驗
享受 Woollyes Boots 提供的溫柔安慰,感受思想的平靜,並理解您的投資是為了保留。Boots 由無毒材料製成且不含染料,不僅對您的腳最安全,而且在周圍環境中也是如此。
Woollyes 靴子與無血表面顯著隔離,可保持腳趾的溫暖和舒適。這些靴子採用安全、防過敏的布料製成,即使是最敏感的人也一定能為您提供舒適的緩解
沒有比 Woollyes 靴子更簡單的了,我們為您提供了一些易於執行的保養命令。只需刷洗或使用濕布輕輕擦洗,然後讓 Boots 在空氣中清晰乾燥,以便持久使用。
* 材料: 純紐西蘭羊毛
* 鞋底: 絨面革
* 顏色: 櫻桃粉紅色
* 性別: 男女通用的
* 年齡組: 孩子們
* 製造與銷售: 伍萊斯公司
* 客戶服務:電子郵件: Info@Woollyes.com |
電話: +1 (857) 200-5561 | 支持: 24x7
* 原產地: 尼泊爾

About Your Woolly's
Additional Information
Care Instructions
To keep them at their best, gently clean with a soft brush or damp cloth, avoiding harsh materials. Allow them to air dry naturally, reshape when damp, and store in a cool, dry place. Should stubborn stains arise, use a mild soap designed for wool. Embrace the natural patina that may develop over time, as it adds character to these authentic, handmade creations. With these simple care steps, your felt wool slippers will continue to provide comfort and style, a testament to the craftsmanship and dedication we put into each pair.
To keep them at their best, gently clean with a soft brush or damp cloth, avoiding harsh materials. Allow them to air dry naturally, reshape when damp, and store in a cool, dry place. Should stubborn stains arise, use a mild soap designed for wool. Embrace the natural patina that may develop over time, as it adds character to these authentic, handmade creations. With these simple care steps, your felt wool slippers will continue to provide comfort and style, a testament to the craftsmanship and dedication we put into each pair.

Indulge in luxury. Embrace nature. Step into Woolly's