夏爾巴羊毛拖鞋 - 內白外淺棕色
我們的奢華羊毛懶人鞋採用 100% 紐西蘭羊毛精心手工製作而成,由熟練的女工匠在尼泊爾精心製作了 18 年。 優質透氣羊毛外層可控制溫度,而內部則採用毛絨內飾,配有加號鞋墊,可提供客製化的舒適度。 外部採用堅固的防滑絨面泡棉鞋底,提供卓越的牽引表面。 這些懶人鞋具有光滑簡約的風格,展現羊毛固有的紋理和顏色,這些懶人鞋具有光滑、簡約的風格,展現羊毛固有的紋理和顏色差異。 透過選擇我們的羊毛懶人鞋,您可以為永續生產做出貢獻,並為工匠提供公平貿易工作。 這些懶人鞋不只是鞋子,還是鞋子。它們是經典時尚舒適和永續服裝的體現。

About Your Woolly's
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Care Instructions
To keep them at their best, gently clean with a soft brush or damp cloth, avoiding harsh materials. Allow them to air dry naturally, reshape when damp, and store in a cool, dry place. Should stubborn stains arise, use a mild soap designed for wool. Embrace the natural patina that may develop over time, as it adds character to these authentic, handmade creations. With these simple care steps, your felt wool slippers will continue to provide comfort and style, a testament to the craftsmanship and dedication we put into each pair.
To keep them at their best, gently clean with a soft brush or damp cloth, avoiding harsh materials. Allow them to air dry naturally, reshape when damp, and store in a cool, dry place. Should stubborn stains arise, use a mild soap designed for wool. Embrace the natural patina that may develop over time, as it adds character to these authentic, handmade creations. With these simple care steps, your felt wool slippers will continue to provide comfort and style, a testament to the craftsmanship and dedication we put into each pair.

Indulge in luxury. Embrace nature. Step into Woolly's